Silverstream School Visit
Blog EntriesToday I had immense fun visiting Room 14 at Silverstream School in Upper Hutt. Visits to meet kids are one of my favourites parts of being a writer and Room 14 were especially great. I was a bit worried that things would not go well because of being soooo full of the flu, but it was no problem, and the interview with a reporter afterwards was also enjoyable and pleasant. Visits like that really inspire me to pick up my pen and keep writing!
It’s all so exciting at the moment. This week has been a long string of meetings, talks with interesting people, and adventures. One of my favourite parts to the week was yesterday when, at the end of a long day of putting my head together with creative folk, Frank and I took Segways off around the water front of Wellington with our long coats flying out behind us! It was sooooo great – you feel like you are flying and the machines are really intuitive and responsive. They balance themselves one hundred times per second – it would be hard to fall off – and travel up to 20 kilometres per hour so at times we were really speeding along. I _really_ want a Segway now: I thought they would be good but it was more fun than I had dreamed. I’ll have to save for a fairly long time to get one so thats on the list of to dos and Ill start it next year. I will do it though! 🙂